
So! There I was, a thousand years ago… oh wait it was just July right? My original plan to publish my next novel “Waterbearer” in August, or September got absolutely wrecked by several factors, and so I had to push it back. Screw you life, my plan will survive you. Anyway, back to the better […]
Waterbearer Complete!

And with that all of the series of books that I have planned are now in play. I have just finished the last touches on my latest series that will be debuting sometime near the end of August, or the beginning of September. The series is titled Here, There Be Monsters, and the first book […]
Price Drop

So, after some thought and a little bit of number crunching I am dropping prices on all ebooks, and paperback copies on Amazon. Amazon’s KDP service gives me a lot better royalty percentage allowing me to offer lower prices through them. If you are looking for the best price on my books I definitely suggest […]
Harcovers, and Paperbacks, and eBooks, Oh my

The last few weeks have been a little TOO busy for me. I have released my latest novel, and followed it up with hardbacks, and very soon now I’ll be announcing some chages to my pricing schema to make my books a little more affordable. I’ve also released second editions of many of my novels […]
Amazonian Hissy Fit

Not sure what is up with Amazon at this point. Apparently they hate pre-orders being available from other distributors, so they will not put up First Word for physical copy pre-orders. If you would like top pre-order a paperback of First Word, then please use the Barnes and Noble link to order a copy of […]

After a few more days of furious tweaking and touch ups my novels have now been re-released onto Amazon, and there will be new places to purchase them to follow as soon as they finish processing through the new distribution service I am placing them into IngramSpark! This should provide a wide distribution to many […]
Leveling Out

All right! So, after a couple of days of furious work things are starting to level out on the availability front. I have uploaded the second editions to Amazon, and I am working on getting them up to some other services. Links have been updated on the website, and should be passed along to the […]

Soooo, I may have made a small miscalculation with regard to re-releasing my novels. Because of this there will be a little upheaval in the availability of my current novels for the next few days. I suspect I will have all the e-books back online and linked tomorrow, but the print copies since I am […]
So, this writing thing…

I suppose I have to start this mess somewhere, so here it goes. I’ve been writing novels since 2004, and the run I made a self publishing before never worked, because I never had the skill for that marketing part of this business. So, I have hired myself some excellent advertising folk at Softwood Books […]