And with that all of the series of books that I have planned are now in play. I have just finished the last touches on my latest series that will be debuting sometime near the end of August, or the beginning of September. The series is titled Here, There Be Monsters, and the first book is Waterbearer! It is currently with my editors, artists, and I will be prepping it for release for the next couple of months. Whoop! Now on to my third book for the year!
That is all!
~ C.M.

So, after some thought and a little bit of number crunching I am dropping prices on all ebooks, and paperback copies on Amazon. Amazon’s KDP service gives me a lot better royalty percentage allowing me to offer lower prices through them.
If you are looking for the best price on my books I definitely suggest going through Amazon.
That is all!
~ CM

Not sure what is up with Amazon at this point. Apparently they hate pre-orders being available from other distributors, so they will not put up First Word for physical copy pre-orders. If you would like top pre-order a paperback of First Word, then please use the Barnes and Noble link to order a copy of it.
That is all!
~ C.M.